Candles are a burning issue
Candles have become an integral part of home decor and an ever increasing feature in both our indoor and outdoor spaces. I have always felt there is something satisfying about giving or receiving a candle as a gift. They hold a certain allure and are so much more than just a glass jar filled with wax. They are rolled up in nostalgia and celebration of all kinds. Their flickering flames help to enhance the mood of an occasion and their mesmerising glow seemingly helps our bodies relax.
Interest in candles has increased on social media sites over recent years and can now be found appearing alongside relaxation, wellness and beauty regimes, food and meal shots as well as home decorating guides. This buzz online has helped increase demand and the paraffin wax candle industry has seen a rise in sales, predicted to continue until at least 2022. But I am delighted to say that there is also a rise in natural wax candles with essential oils. People are cottoning on to the fact that paraffin wax candles will run out in our lifetime and it is essential we all start making the switch now. Plus, natural wax candles are far better for our health.
Paraffin wax is a by-product of the crude oil industry. To create paraffin, petroleum waste is chemically bleached, deodorized and then made into wax. Did you know, when burnt, it releases a number of toxic chemicals into our atmosphere!? Toluene and benzene (both carcinogenic) are but two, yet astonishingly the vast majority of candles readily available in shops, supermarkets and on-line are made with the stuff!
Why paraffin wax is definitely a no-no
Too often burning candles occurs in airless environments such as the bathroom with a steamy bath or a cosy living room with all doors and windows shut. Unwittingly we end up breathing in all the toxic particles the paraffin candle is emitting. The health hazard this poses has been compared with second-hand smoke.
Even scientists in Copenhagen, the ‘happy city, known for its high use of candles (in an effort to ‘get hygge’) have indicated that particles from burning candles are potentially hazardous to people’s health. Their study on mice showed accelerated progression of hardening of the arteries and telomere shortening which is associated with increasing cancer risk. (University of Copenhagen)
Worryingly, many older candles may also have lead core wicks (which gives them stability in the soft wax as it burns) and they too release poisonous gasses into the atmosphere when burnt. (Thankfully it’s generally accepted that no UK-based company has used lead wicks since the mid 70’s - although this does appear to be a voluntary code of practice rather than a legal requirement.)
And if that weren’t enough, man-made fragrances used to scent candles are also related to health-causing problems!
Why natural wax is a better option
So the best option is natural wax - soy, palm, beeswax, coconut and vegetable oil candles are now far more readily available. We have a fabulous selection, please check them out.
Personally I would stay clear of palm unless it is sustainable as there are too many environmental issues with palm as it has been over-farmed. This has led to the destruction of huge stretches of rainforest, sadly diminishing the population of orang-utans alongside many other species of wildlife.
Soy isn’t faring too well either but there does seem to be an increasing number of sustainable sources so always check the label. Our soy wax candles are all from sustainable sources.
Natural waxes are clean burning with no black sooty marks on the candle container or on your walls. They also burn slower than paraffin and wash away with soapy water so all round a much better choice than paraffin as you can then reuse your jar!
What can I do?
- swap out all your paraffin wax candles - including tea lights - to natural wax ones.
- pay careful attention to the label when candle shopping - look out for natural waxes, scented with essential oils.
- support your local makers: we have a lovely selection of candles.
- on first light, make sure you allow your candle to burn for at least 3-4 hours. This will allow the melted wax to pool across the entire surface (avoiding tunnelling), therefore guaranteeing an even burn the next time you light it.
- if you have a favourite high street candle brand, why not write to them and ask them to start making the switch.
We already know oil will run out in our lifetime yet there seems to be no end to the consumer demand for oil-derived products. We are collectively and relentlessly pushing the earth to its limits. Frighteningly the damage this is causing to both the environment and human health will soon be irreversible. Multi-nationals and governments are not taking heed, paying attention purely to the bottom line or self-serving interests. The only way we can turn the tide against paraffin wax and a whole host of other environmental challenges is to take responsibility individually. Collectively this can and will make a difference.
I really hope you will all join me in making some changes to create a beautiful healthy home. Shop here for our lovely selection of natural wax candles.
Zoë x
Images: candle © join candles london, candle & coffee image © Alexandra Fuller via Unsplash, lit church candle image © John-Mark Smith via Unsplash, lit join candle © join candles london, high tide candle © join candles london
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